Whether you are planning a career change or simply wanting to deepen your yoga practice the Shakti Power Yoga Teacher Training is by far the best way to take your yoga practice to the next level, and give yourself a gift that will transform your life.
Shakti Power Yoga Teachers Training was the first internationally recognised Yoga Alliance 200 hours yoga teacher's training, taking place in London over weekends, launching our first course in 2010 and graduating over 70 successful Teachers since.
We limit the numbers of trainees to a maximum of 12 in each course to ensure that everybody receives sufficient individual attention and support both on their practice and personal development.
We are NOT a Yoga Teachers making machine!

The course runs over 12 weekends and is structured on the 8 Limbs of Yoga as described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.
Each module focusses on one of the eight stages of Yoga with in-depth analysis of the groups of asana, Chakras, applied anatomy, teaching methodology, hands on adjustments and teaching practice.
This will take you to a systematic and comprehensive journey into the traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa discipline as a foundation of the original practices of yoga, to consequently explore more contemporary forms of yoga practices.
This course follows a modular structure, allowing flexibility to mix trainings.
If you miss a module for whatever reason, we help you recover it, or can attend modules during other courses.
The Shakti Power Yoga Program will ensure that you have a fulfilling and supported experience, during and after your training.
For more information please contact me here
Details: Shakti Power Yoga 200 hours Yoga Alliance Worldwide Certification
Week 1 -
Week 2 -
Week 3 -
Week 4 -
Week 5 -
Week 6 -
Week 7 -
Week 8 -
Week 9 -
Week 10 -
Week 11 -
Week 12 -
If you miss more than two weekends you will have the chance to come to a catch up day that will be scheduled with the group. This is free of charge
Cost: £2,400
Early Bird price: £2,160 (10% off) if booked two weeks before the course
Booking requires a deposit of £300 (non-refundable)
We also offer instalment plan choices to suit your needs.
The remainder amount can be paid in three monthly instalment (or a plan choice to suit your needs)
Modules can also be taken individually at £200 each
Module 1 - Brief history of Yoga - Yoga Sutras - Yoga paths - Yamas - Muladhara Chakra - Forward bends - Mula Bandha - Warm up - Sun Salutes - Skeletal system and the spine, legs and base of spine - Pranayama: Abdominal breathing. Practice: Ashtanga Primary Series
Module 2 - Niyama - Svadhisthana Chakra - Vedanta philosophy: Brahman, Maya, Jiva and Atman - Hip openers and standing postures - Mula Bandha - Three phases brea th -Ujjayi Pranayama - Nervous and sensory system, endocrine, and reproductive system - Anatomy of the pelvis and hips. Practice and teaching practice: Ashtanga Primary Series
Module 3 - Asanas - Manipura Chakra - Uddiyana bandha - The Gunas - Muscular system - Energy systems - Lateral breathing - digestive system - Anatomy of the middle spine - Spinal twists - Practice and teaching practice: Ashtanga Primary Series
Module 4 - Pranayama - Anahata Chakra - Pranas, Kundalini Shakti and Kundalini Yoga - Respiratory system/ Cardio-vascular system -Shoulder girdle, arms, ribs and diagphram - Thoracic spine - Backbends. Practice and teaching practice: Power Vinyasa Yoga and pranayama (Anuloma Viloma, Kaphalabhati, Bastrika)
Module 5 - Pratiahara - Vishuddha Chakra - Chakras - Three bodies and their functions - Limphatic system - Neck and throat - cervical spine - shoulderstand - Jalandhara bandha - Maha bandha. Practice and teaching practice: Power Vinyasa Yoga, breath retention and bandhas
Module 6 - Dharana - Ajna Chakra - Pineal gland - Autonomic nervous system - Fascia and stretching - Inversions (handstands) - Balancing postures - Maha Mudra - Karma and Reincarnation. Practice and teaching practice: Power Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha, restorative and Yin yoga
Module 7 - Dhiana - Meditation, mudras and mantras - Sahasrara Chakra - Headstands and Savasana - Skull - Light Body - Cranio-sacral therapy. Practice and teaching practice: Power Vinyasa Yoga (Intermediate)
Module 8 - Samadhi - Lotus pose - Meditation - the Light/Auric body - Energy field. Cranio Sacral Therapy. Practice and teaching practice: Power Vinyasa Yoga (Advanced)
Module 9 - Exam
Please note: the modules content may vary depending on a series of factors as the number of participants and the initial level of experence of the group as a whole, so it is advisable to complete the course with the same group as much as possible.
The Shakti Power Yoga Program follows the standards of Yoga Alliance, which requires 200 hours of training divided into two categories:
192 contact hours
12 weekends (including exams weekend - written and practicum)
18 hours practice and observation
10 non-contact hours (Self practice, assignments and readings, online courses, workshops)
For certification, completion of the 200 hours is required
A typical weekend:
Every weekend will consist of Teaching techniques, Training and practice technique, Teaching methodology, Anatomy and Physiology, Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics
Saturdays 10:00 – 18:00
Sundays 10:00 – 18:00
Shakti Power Yoga trainees have free unlimited access to any yoga classes held at the centre during their training dates, so you will have plenty of choice for practice.
Shakti Power Yoga practice is very challenging and vigorous.
This Teachers Training course is suitable for people who have been practicing regularly for at least two years or who have developed a yoga practice at an intermediate level.
The practice of asanas, pranayama and kriyas will be taken up to the advanced level and you’re expected to be challenged and inspired. You need to be in good health and fit for intensive workout.
Please give details of any possible medical conditions in the application form
Cost: £2,400
Early Bird price: £2,160 (10% off) if booked two weeks before the course
Booking requires a deposit of £300 (non-refundable)
We also offer instalment plan choices to suit your needs.
The remainder amount can be paid in three monthly instalment (or a plan choice to suit your needs)
Modules can also be taken individually at £200 each
How to book:
Request an application form, fill out and send back to us
Download Application form here
Upon acceptance, a deposit of £300 is required to reserve a space on the training.
Please note that the deposit is not refundable
We also offer installment plan choices to suit your needs. Please see our TERMS AND CONDITIONS below for details
Included in the price:
Shakti Power Yoga Materials
Yoga Alliance Certification
Access to free classes to SPY Community
Access to Yoga Anatomy Workshops, Ashtanga Yoga workshops and Yoga Philosophy lectures held by 1st generation yogis and internationally recognised guest teachers.
Not included:
Yoga Alliance registration fee
Yoga Insurance
Our TERMS AND CONDITIONS: A non-returnable deposit of £300 is required to secure each place, the remainder to be paid by start of course. Installments plan arrangements can be made by contract to pay in 3 monthly installments from commencement of the course.
Please note: The full amount of the course has to be paid in full in order to receive the certificate. Under no circumstances will there be refunds after the course has begun and prior to a month before commencement. No transfer of fees to another course (other than the teacher training) for any reason unless substantiated by a Doctors letter or for bereavement or extreme circumstances that again must be proved legally.
Valentina Candiani is the main teacher and director of the School.
Guest teachers might be complementing the course with a series of lectures and workshops, sharing their unique knowledge and experience.
The following senior teachers have offered their workshops in the past:
Edward Clark: Lecture in Yoga philosophy and Vinyasa Flow workshop: how ancient yoga philosophy applies to modern yoga
Rosario Marco De Vito/Paola Ceccarelli: Applied Anatomy and Physioogy for yoga practitioners. An anayomical analysys of postures focusing on alignment and injury prevention
Mark Colleano: Ashtanga yoga: Mysore tradition and Ashtanga Primary Series workshop
Faustomaria Dorelli: Lecture in Yoga philosophy and Hatha Yoga workshop
Tassie Sinclair: THAI YOGA MASSAGE - a short insight into the system of Thai Yoga massage
Scheduled workshop for this course - TBC
Additional workshops will be announced when dates are confirmed
What should you will develop during this course:
- A stronger and more skilled practice
- Knowledge and intuition in Anatomy and skeletal variations
- Confidence to teach safe and structured classes to different communities
- Greater knowledge of the yoga philosophy and lineage of Vinaysa Yoga.
- Personal development on the physical, spiritual and emotional level.
- Development of ones own teaching personality, style and flare
- Ability to teach different styles and levels and abilities
- Opportunities to start teaching immediately, support on future SPY trainings and retreats as well as to start your own business
What you will learn:
- Practice and teach the Ashtanga Primary Sequence
- Practice and teach a range of other sequences, supported by the structure of the Ashtanga sequences to create Power Vinyasa classes with format and intelligence
- Focus techniques to accomplish stillness and to develop a meditation practice
- Breathing techniques and pranayama will be learnt, practiced and taught
- Chakras philosophy and how these energy centers affect our behavior
- How to use verbal instructions and physical adjustments effectively and safely
- Students will be given the knowledge of how to develop their own yoga business from breaking into established centers, to opening their own studio and running a successful yoga enterprise
- How to develop a lesson plan for different styles of yoga: Power Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Vinyasa Flow, Hatha, Yin, Reasorative, Pranayama, Meditation)
- Foundations of Vinyasa Krama to plan innovative and creative sequences