200hr Yoga Alliance Teacher Training - Worldwide Certification
Next scheduled course dates TBC
- New modular program
- Flexible payments
- Free Yoga classes and Workshops included (for the duration of the course)
As a registered Yoga Alliance school, graduates of Shakti Power Yoga Teacher Training may apply to Yoga Alliance for their RYT-200 credential and are eligible to teach worldwide.
Our program is designed to enhance your personal knowledge of Yoga and its many facets.
It will also provide you with the confidence and skills necessary to safely and effectively teach Yoga in any country or community.
You need neither be a teacher, nor an aspiring teacher to attend this course.
The study of Yoga is the study of Self and you will be encouraged to grow with introspection and awareness into your own unique expression of Yoga.
Our Comprehensive Teacher Training program is intended to provide students with a deeper knowledge of their practice, and the skills to teach creatively sequenced, alignment-based power vinyasa and hatha yoga classes.
Discover your own voice as a yoga teacher and learn to design a truly unique class that will enrich and inspire students.
Valentina Candiani is the main teacher and director of the School.
Guest teachers will be complementing the course with a series of lectures and workshops, sharing their unique knowledge and experience.
• Applied Anatomy and Physioogy for yoga practitioners. An anayomical analysys of postures focusing on alignment and injury prevention.
• Lecture in Yoga philosophy and Vinyasa Flow workshop: how ancient yoga philosophy applies to modern yoga
• Ashtanga yoga: Mysore tradition and Ashtanga Primary Series workshop

"Get out there and teach! What are your doubts?"
former Shakti Power Yoga Teacher Training student - now full time teacher
Read more testimonials about the Teacher Training here